Grade 3 Unit 3 & 6 Multiplication and Division Part 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 6 Multiplication and Division Part 1 & 2

Content Emphasis/ Big Ideas

In this unit, students begin to explore the ideas of multiplication and division by solving real-world problems that involve composing and decomposing units into groups. They represent multiple group problems using a variety of visual representations such as arrays, equal group pictures, and number lines. Multiplication and division concepts are taught together to develop students’ understandings of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. Students explore patterns involving multiplication and division relationships to build fact fluency. Students also explore the properties that apply to multiplication.


  • MTH.G3.4.a Represent multiplication and division through 10 × 10, using a variety of approaches and models.
  • MTH.G3.4.b Create and solve single-step practical problems that involve multiplication and division through 10 x 10. 


  1. Represent multiplication Using Models
  2. Represent Division Using Models
  3. Solve Practical Problems Involving Multiplication and Division

Represent multiplication Using Models

Instructional Videos

Represent Division Using Models

Instructional Video

Practice Items

Intro to division practice

Skill Based Game

Division Games

Solve Practical Problems Involving Multiplication and Division

Instructional Videos

Additional Resources:

STMath (60 Minutes recommended per week)

Math at Home