Grade 3 Unit 2 Place Value & Addition/Subtraction Pt. 1

Unit 2 Place Value & Addition/Subtraction Pt. 1

Content Emphasis/ Big Ideas

In this unit students will continue their understanding of our base 10 place value system as they read, write and give the value for numbers with up to 6 digits.  They will compare and order numbers up to 9,999 and they will solve addition and subtraction problems in and out of context with numbers up to 1,000.


  • 3.NS.1 The student will use place value understanding to read, write, and determine the place and value of each digit in a whole number, up to six digits, with and without models. 
    3.NS.2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the base 10 system to compare and order whole numbers up to 9,999.
    3.CE.1 The student will estimate, represent, solve, and justify solutions to single-step and multistep problems, including those in context, using addition and subtraction with whole numbers where addends and minuends do not exceed 1,000.
    3.PFA.1 The student will identify, describe, extend, and create increasing and decreasing patterns (limited to addition and s


  1. Read, Write & Identify the place & value of four-digit whole numbers
  2. Round whole numbers 999 or less to the nearest ten and hundred
  3. Compare and order whole numbers 999 or less
  4. Estimate the sum and difference of whole numbers
  5. Finding the sum and difference in practical problems
  6. Compare multi-digit numbers

Read, Write & Identify the place & value of four-digit whole numbers

Instructional Videos

Practice Items

Place Value Practice

Skills Based Games

Math Magic Place Value Battle

Round whole numbers 999 or less to the nearest ten and hundred

Instructional Video

Rounding to Nearest 10

Rounding to Nearest 100

Compare and order whole numbers 999 or less

Instructional Videos

Estimate the sum and difference of whole numbers

Instructional Videos

Finding the sum and difference in practical problems

Instructional Videos

Compare multi-digit numbers

Instructional Videos

Practice Item

Multi-Digit Practice

Skill Based Game

I Know It!

Additional Resources:

STMath (60 Minutes recommended per week)

Math at Home