Grade 4 Unit 6 Multiplication and Division Pt 2

Unit 6 Multiplication and Division Pt 2

Content Emphasis/ Big Ideas

In this unit, students apply their knowledge of multiplication and division concepts that were previously taught in Unit 4. Through the use of arrays, base-ten blocks, and story contexts, students develop their own strategies and algorithms for multiplying and dividing large numbers. Connections between algorithms, including student-generated algorithms and the traditional algorithm, are explored.


  • MTH.G4.4.b Estimate and determine products of whole numbers (2 digits × 2 digits). 
  • MTH.G4.4.c Estimate and determine quotients of whole numbers, with and without remainders (1 digit divisor and 3-digit dividend). 
  • MTH.G4.4.d Create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving multiplication and single-step practical problems involving division with whole numbers. 
  • MTH.G4.15 Identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables (numerical). 
  • MTH.G4.16 Recognize and demonstrate the meaning of equality in an equation. 


  1. Estimate & Solve 2 digit X 2 digit multiplication
  2. Estimate & Solve quotients 1 digit divisor and 3 digit dividend
  3. Practical Problems involving multiplication and division

Estimate & Solve 2 digit X 2 digit multiplication

Instructional Videos

Multiplying 2 Digit Numbers

Multiplying Using Partial Products

Estimate & Solve quotients 1 digit divisor and 3 digit dividend

Instructional Video

Division (No Remainder)

Division (with Remainder)

Practical Problems involving multiplication and division

Instructional Videos

Choosing the Right Graph: Scholastic Study Jams

Hands On Math At Home 

Collect and graph data around you: colored foods (M&Ms, skittles, fruit loops), types of vehicles in parking lots, sock colors in the drawer, etc.

Use data to determine probabilities and likelihood-what is the probability of pulling red skittle?

Additional Resources:

STMath (60 Minutes recommended per week)

Make your own fraction manipulative to use

Math at Home