Grade 4 Unit 4: Multiplication & Division
Unit 4: Multiplication & Division
Content Emphasis/ Big Ideas
The focus of this unit provides students with foundational knowledge and skills that will be needed for more advanced work with multiplication and division. Students will work on building fluency with multiplication facts through 12 x 12 and the corresponding division facts by exploring strategies for deriving facts. In context students will estimate, represent, solve, and justify single step and multistep problems (two-digit by one-digit and three-digit by one digit) multiplication problems.
Students are also expected to apply addition and multiplication properties to think flexibly in order to choose appropriate strategies to solve problems accurately and efficiently. Students will also estimate, represent, solve and justify division with whole numbers. Students will apply their understanding of addition, subtraction, and multiplication when engaging with increasing and decreasing patterns.
- 4.CE2 a-e, g (i, ii only), h-k The student will estimate, represent, solve, and justify solutions to single-step and multistep problems, including those in context, using multiplication with whole numbers, and single-step problems, including those in context, using division with whole numbers; and recall with automaticity the multiplication facts through 12 × 12 and the corresponding division facts. (PRS 2)
4.PFA1 The student will identify, describe, extend, and create increasing and decreasing patterns (limited to addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers), including those in context, using various representations. (PRS 6)
- Multiplication and Division Basic Facts
- Estimating and Finding Products
- Estimating and Finding Quotients
- Single-Step and Multistep Problem Solving
- Patterns in Math
- Equality in Math
Multiplication and Division Basic Facts
Instructional Videos
Multiplication as Equal Groups
Division as Equal Groups
Multiplication as Repeated Addition
Division as Repeated Subtraction
Practice Items
Skills Based Games
Estimating and Finding Products
Instructional Videos
Practice Items
Multiplication Estimation (Khan Academy)
Skill Based Game
Estimation with Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication or Division (abcya)
Estimating and Finding Quotients
Instructional Videos
Single-Step and Multistep Problem Solving
Instructional Video
Patterns in Math
Instructional Video
What are Patterns and Terms Joann’s School
Input/Output Tables
Equality in Math
Instructional Video
What’s the Difference Between Expressions and Equations?
Equality, Greater Than and Less Than
Additional Resources:
STMath (60 Minutes recommended per week)