Grade 3 Math Unit 11- Probability

Unit  11- Probability

In this unit, students deepen their understanding of probability by performing experiments. Students use terms such as, “impossible, unlikely, equally likely, likely, and certain” to describe the probability of a specific outcome. Students have opportunities to place the likelihood of an event on a number line ranging from impossible to certain. Students learn that performing a few trials can be misleading and that performing a greater number of trials leads to more accurate data.


  • MTH.G3.14 The student will investigate and describe the concept of probability as a measurement of chance and list possible outcomes for a single event.


  1. Describe the probability of an event

Describe the probability of an event

Instructional Videos

Additional Resources:

STMath (60 Minutes recommended per week)


AVMR Parent Resources Webpage with games & activities

Math at Home Grade 2