Kindergarten Math Unit 6 - Measurement

Unit 6 - Measurement

Content Emphasis/ Big Ideas

In this unit students begin to study measurement by making direct comparisons of two objects and describing them as: longer, shorter, taller, heavier, lighter, holds more or less. Students will use calendar skills to describe passage of time such as events taking longer or shorter.


  • K.MG.1 The student will reason mathematically by making direct comparisons between two objects or events using the attributes of length, height, weight, volume, and time.
  • K.MG.3 The student will describe the units of time represented in a calendar
  • K.PS.1 The student will apply the data cycle (pose questions; collect or acquire data; organize and represent data; and analyze data and communicate results) with a focus on object graphs and picture graphs. 
  • K.PFA.1 The student will identify, describe, extend, and create simple repeating patterns using various representations.



  1. Longer or Shorter?
  2. Heavy or Light?
  3. Which holds more?


Longer or Shorter?

Instructional Videos

Practice Items

Longer Shorter Practice

Skills Based Games

Long & Short Game

Heavy or Light?

Instructional Videos

Practice Items

Heavy or Light Practice


Skill Based Game

Heavy or Light Game


Which holds more?

Instructional Videos

Practice Item

Which holds more?


Skill Based Game

Which Holds More Game

Additional Resources:

STMath (60 Minutes recommended per week)