Kindergarten Math Unit 5 - Exploring Numeracy through 30

Unit 5 - Exploring Numeracy through 30

Content Emphasis/ Big Ideas

In this unit students will use flexible counting strategies to count, represent and compare quantities up to 30.  Students will flexibly add and subtract numbers up to 10 in and out of context. This unit also focuses on calendar skills, counting days and identifying repeating patterns.


  • K.NS.1 The student will utilize flexible counting strategies to determine and describe quantities up to 30.
  • K.NS.2 The student will identify, represent, and compare quantities up to 30.
  • K.CE.1 The student will model and solve single-step contextual problems using addition and subtraction with whole numbers within 10. 
  • K.MG.3 The student will describe the units of time represented in a calendar.
  • K.PS.1 The student will apply the data cycle (pose questions; collect or acquire data; organize and represent data; and analyze data and communicate results) with a focus on object graphs and picture graphs.
  • K.PFA.1 The student will identify, describe, extend, and create simple repeating patterns using various representations.



  1. Counting
  2. Calendar
  3. Patterns
  4. Add/Subtract



Instructional Videos

Practice Items

Counting Interactive

Skills Based Games

Counting Game


Instructional Videos

Practice Items

Calendar Quiz


Skill Based Game

Calendar Game



Instructional Videos

Practice Item

Pattern Practice


Skill Based Game

Patterns Game


Instructional Videos

Additional Resources:

STMath (60 Minutes recommended per week)